The Role of Artificial Intelligence in School Leadership

Le rôle de l’intelligence artificielle dans la direction scolaire

This paper examines the transformative role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in school leadership and management. It examines how AI can enhance decision-making, personalize learning experiences, improve digital pedagogy, and increase administrative efficiency. Additionally, the study discusses the challenges and ethical concerns associated with AI integration in educational leadership, such as bias and transparency. To address these issues, the review proposes strategies for implementing AI tools that align with educational goals while promoting equity and accountability. Furthermore, it reviews relevant literature on digital pedagogy, which extends traditional teaching methods into the digital space. A clear understanding of technological possibilities and their practical applications is essential for effectively integrating AI into education.

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Dezvoltarea morală a inteligenței artificiale

The Moral Development of Artificial Intelligence
Le développement moral de l’intelligence artificielle

This article examines the moral development of artificial intelligence, exploring both theoretical dimensions and practical implications of implementing ethical principles in AI systems. Starting from the fundamental distinction between two architectures – Combinatorial-state automata (CSA) and Level of Abstraction (LoA) – the study investigates how AI systems can incorporate and exhibit behaviours aligned with moral principles. Through comparative analysis of two concrete AI implementations – the „Cătălin” call centre robot and the platform – the article demonstrates significant differences between CSA systems, which strictly pursue predefined objectives, and LoA systems, which incorporate ethical thresholds and adaptive capabilities. In the current context of accelerated artificial intelligence development, the paper argues for the fundamental necessity of integrating moral databases into AI system architecture, emphasizing the significant impact of this approach in both educational and commercial interactions. The conclusion highlights that, while we cannot yet speak of an intrinsic morality in artificial intelligence, implementing ethical principles in AI system programming represents an imperative necessity for developing human-machine interactions based on trust and moral values.

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Identitatea în mediile virtuale. Problema meta-narațiunii în domeniul metamorfozelor digitale

Identity in Virtual Environments. The Problem of Meta-Narrative in the Field of Digital Metamorphoses
L’identité dans les environnements virtuels. Le problème du méta-récit dans le domaine des métamorphoses numériques

This article examines the fundamental transformations of human identity in the context of the contemporary digital revolution. Starting from a conceptual analysis of identity in the post-humanist era, the paper investigates how digital technology is not merely a tool, but rather a distinct way of understanding and relating to reality. The study explores how virtual and digital environments trigger a profound mutation in the construction and manifestation of individual identity, arguing that the continuous exposure and permanent openness to the exterior facilitated by digital technology modify the very nature of human identity. The perspective is interdisciplinary, combining philosophical theories about technology with sociological analyses and contemporary cultural studies. Classical concepts of static and unitary identity are critically examined in relation to the new realities of the digital world, where the boundaries between real and virtual, between self and otherness become increasingly diffuse. Special attention is paid to how virtuality transforms the relationship with corporality and physical space, leading to a fusion between identity and technology that goes beyond mere instrumental use. The paper explores the implications of this fusion for the traditional concept of identity and for how we understand ourselves in the digital age.
The study’s conclusion emphasizes that we are facing a paradoxical situation: instead of witnessing a withdrawal into the self as a reaction to the assault of the digital new, we are witnessing a continuous and total exposure. Contemporary identity no longer represents a balance between static and dynamic, but becomes so fluid that it risks losing any defining contours. This transformation raises fundamental questions about the future of human identity in the digital age and about our ability to maintain a coherent sense of self amid this technological revolution.

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Valoarea resurselor educaționale multimodale pentru achiziția lexicului în învățarea limbilor străine

The Value of Multimodal Educational Resources for Vocabulary Acquisition in Language Learning

This research examines the role of multimodal educational resources in optimizing the lexical acquisition process in the context of learning French as a foreign language, highlighting the need for a paradigmatic shift in current pedagogical approaches. The study combines a theoretical analysis of multimodal media literacy and multimodal document concepts with mixed empirical research, including interviews with 21 teachers and a questionnaire administered to a sample of 58 students.
The results reveal that, while multimodal documents are perceived as valuable tools for improving lexical retention and increasing student motivation (96.5% of respondents confirming their effectiveness), their implementation in pedagogical practice remains limited and primarily focused on passive reception rather than developing production and critical analysis skills. The research highlights the need to reconfigure school curricula and teaching methodologies to systematically integrate multimodal literacy, thus contributing to the formation of competent digital citizens.
This work opens new perspectives for further research on optimizing the lexical acquisition process through the lens of linguistic intercomprehension and neurolinguistics, while proposing an updated theoretical framework for integrating multimodal resources into teaching practice.

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AI Agents in Education: An Early Systematic Review of Emerging Roles, Potential, and Limitations

In a world where ChatGPT writes essays and solves math problems in seconds, an important question emerges: who will shape the character and values of the next generation – cold and precise algorithms or teachers who understand the needs, potential, and sensitivity of human beings?

Recent advances in artificial intelligence, particularly the emergence of sophisticated AI agents like ChatGPT, have sparked intense debate about their role in education. While these technologies promise to transform teaching and learning processes, their rapid evolution and widespread adoption have outpaced our understanding of their implications.

This scoping review addresses a critical gap in current literature by systematically examining the potential, limitations, and challenges of integrating AI agents in educational settings. The review is particularly timely given the accelerated digitalization of education following the global pandemic and the subsequent proliferation of AI tools in classrooms. By synthesizing emerging research and empirical evidence, this study provides educators, policymakers, and researchers with a comprehensive framework for understanding how AI agents can effectively complement, rather than replace, traditional teaching methods.

Our analysis explores key dimensions including: the typology and functionalities of educational AI agents; their impact on student engagement and learning outcomes; their limitations in developing higher-order cognitive skills and social-emotional competencies; and the evolving role of teachers in AI-enhanced learning environments. This systematic examination helps identify research gaps, inform evidence-based implementation strategies, and guide future investigations into the long-term effects of AI integration in education.

The findings underscore the need for a balanced, nuanced approach to incorporating AI agents in educational practice, while highlighting critical areas requiring further research and development. This review contributes to the growing body of knowledge essential for developing effective policies and practices that maximize the benefits of AI in education while preserving the irreplaceable human elements of teaching and learning.

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Impactul utilizării aplicațiilor educaționale digitale asupra elevilor de clasa pregătitoare

The Impact of the Use of Digital Educational Applications on Students in the Preparatory School Year

Nowadays, digital technology has become an integral part of our daily life, and contemporary educational practices are strongly influenced by the use of digital educational applications that can be an innovative and interesting way to engage students in the educational process. However, there are still many unknowns regarding the impact of these apps on middle school students. Early on in their school years, as they enter primary school, issues still arise that they are already spending too much time in front of screens to no avail. It is in our power to help them to have a correct attitude towards technology, to find their balance, being aware of both the advantages and the potential risks. This balance must also be found in the classroom, where technology must be used in a balanced way alongside traditional learning methods to achieve optimal results.
Based on an evaluation research, the article contributes to the understanding of the impact of the use of digital educational applications on students of the preparatory class. It is a starting point for improving the educational process in schools, of interest not only from the perspective of educational policies and decision-making in education, but also for teachers and parents, for the immediate benefit of preparatory class students. The changes start from the awareness of the extraordinary impact that digital educational applications have on the motivation to learn and the level of performance of preparatory class students.

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Dependența de social media și izolarea socială a elevilor

Social Media Addiction and Social Isolation of Students

The article consists of an essay that examines the growing problem of internet and social media addiction among teenagers and students, often referred to as „digital natives” or „iGen”. It explores how excessive use of digital platforms affects adolescents’ social behavior, brain functioning, and relationships with peers, teachers, and family.
Several studies show that increased screen time, often between 6 and 9 hours a day, is correlated with mental health problems such as anxiety and depression. Although the use of social media satisfies the needs of belonging and self-presentation, it can lead to a phenomenon of de-individuation among students. The article acknowledges the potential benefits, including access to global knowledge and building an online community. At the same time, it highlights significant negative effects such as reduced social connections, emotional instability and difficulty managing conflicts. In particular, the symptoms of addiction often mirror those of gambling addiction.
Teachers face increasing challenges with students’ short attention spans and declining academic performance. Excessive use of social media poses substantial risks to students’ mental health, cognitive capacities and social skills, a fact that teachers and parents must be aware of and act accordingly by implementing appropriate strategies based on the latest scientific evidence.

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Educația și conștientizarea etică a tehnologiilor IA și folosirea lor în mediul academic

Education and Ethical Awareness of AI Technologies and Their Use in Academia

The essay aims to contribute to discussions about the implementation of AI-based technologies in education, through a perspective that will stimulate the advance of ethical research and will overcome the classic “pro” or “con” controversy.
We will explore here, albeit not exhaustively (given the dimensions of this paper), aspects of learning that should be integrated into the analysis of how we evaluate AI technologies and design rules of academic integrity. We will review some directions for the development of AI technologies for education, the risks and benefits presented so far in the specialized literature, and we will endorse the idea that education and “ethical awareness” are basic presuppositions for the success of any model of academic integrity.
The conclusion will focus on the importance of adopting in the respective fields principles that are more relevant to the reality in which we live and that do not arbitrarily circumscribe the field, inevitably leading to the success of some underground models, opposed to integrity. Conversely, it would support those principles that foster the advancement of ethical research by integrating all aspects that affect the academic field, on the model: knowledge enables improvements and adjustments.

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Dezvoltarea în copilăria timpurie: Influența tehnologiilor digitale asupra proceselor și mecanismelor psihice

Early Childhood Development: The Influence of Digital Technology on Psychological Processes and Mechanisms

Despite the novelty and excitement of the promise that technology will revolutionize education, as it has revolutionized many other fields (medicine, industries), programs in recent years have shown that technology alone does not have the power to change education for the better (Blackwell et al., 2014, para.4). Still, people can do this, if they are willing to learn how, why and when. In other words, first, the devices were introduced and the infrastructure created, then administrators and teachers began to learn how to use it, with support in some countries, without support in others. Would a reverse approach have been more useful? For instance, specializing teachers and subsequently equipping schools with the necessary infrastructure? We are in a situation where there are sometimes early education institutions where there is equipment, but education managers and teachers do not have the full picture of how and when to use it, and what are the implications of this usage.
Given observations and studies carried out in the school environment, we wonder how equipping kindergartens with tablets and other screen devices would work? What makes digital technology really useful in early childhood education? What should be the motivation for the introduction of digital technologies in early education?
This paper provides psychological and educational benchmarks for the use of digital technologies in preschool educational institutions, as well as in the context of family education.

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ED-Sense, platformă tehnologică pentru educație personalizată în era digitală bazată pe inteligență artificială și conținut interactiv

ED-Sense, technology platform for personalized education in the digital age based on artificial intelligence and interactive content

The article analyses the current platforms for digital education, identifying the key needs of participants in the educational process and presenting innovative solutions, based on recent research and well-founded theories, to respond to these needs effectively. The EdSense platform addresses the challenges of digitizing education with a creative approach, integrating artificial intelligence and augmented reality to create a ubiquitous, accessible and personalized learning environment. Gamification elements and augmented reality enrich the learning experience, turning it into an engaging and collaborative adventure. Adapting flexibly to the school curriculum and individual student needs through its artificial intelligence component, it offers an adaptive, interactive and deeply personalized learning style. The analysis of similar approaches, as well as the integrative, complex, but well-modularized architecture of the system, profiles EdSense as a reference model for the future of digital education.

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