The Value of Multimodal Educational Resources for Vocabulary Acquisition in Language Learning
This research examines the role of multimodal educational resources in optimizing the lexical acquisition process in the context of learning French as a foreign language, highlighting the need for a paradigmatic shift in current pedagogical approaches. The study combines a theoretical analysis of multimodal media literacy and multimodal document concepts with mixed empirical research, including interviews with 21 teachers and a questionnaire administered to a sample of 58 students.
The results reveal that, while multimodal documents are perceived as valuable tools for improving lexical retention and increasing student motivation (96.5% of respondents confirming their effectiveness), their implementation in pedagogical practice remains limited and primarily focused on passive reception rather than developing production and critical analysis skills. The research highlights the need to reconfigure school curricula and teaching methodologies to systematically integrate multimodal literacy, thus contributing to the formation of competent digital citizens.
This work opens new perspectives for further research on optimizing the lexical acquisition process through the lens of linguistic intercomprehension and neurolinguistics, while proposing an updated theoretical framework for integrating multimodal resources into teaching practice.