Education and Ethical Awareness of AI Technologies and Their Use in Academia
The essay aims to contribute to discussions about the implementation of AI-based technologies in education, through a perspective that will stimulate the advance of ethical research and will overcome the classic “pro” or “con” controversy.
We will explore here, albeit not exhaustively (given the dimensions of this paper), aspects of learning that should be integrated into the analysis of how we evaluate AI technologies and design rules of academic integrity. We will review some directions for the development of AI technologies for education, the risks and benefits presented so far in the specialized literature, and we will endorse the idea that education and “ethical awareness” are basic presuppositions for the success of any model of academic integrity.
The conclusion will focus on the importance of adopting in the respective fields principles that are more relevant to the reality in which we live and that do not arbitrarily circumscribe the field, inevitably leading to the success of some underground models, opposed to integrity. Conversely, it would support those principles that foster the advancement of ethical research by integrating all aspects that affect the academic field, on the model: knowledge enables improvements and adjustments.